Used 205,5 MW Combined Cycle Power Plant for sale
3 years ago
Built in 2011/2013 and consisting of 3 Siemens Gas Turbines and 1 Siemens Steam Turbine.
Major goal achieved in acquisition of a 60,000 bpd oil refinery
6 years ago
On March 8th 2019, PRIOS achieved the major goal in acquiring a high conversion type oil refinery for relocation to Cabinda, Angola, being one of the projects of Petrochemical Holding GmbH, a company based in Vienna, Austria.
Sales Mandate for a 800 MW coal fired power plant
6 years ago
The pre-owned power plant was commissioned and decommissioned in 2015, being in excellent "as new" condition. Fuel: hard coal, Steam Turbine Generator: 800 MW Western European Manufacturer.
Delivery and installation of a 6,000 bpd Oil Refinery Topping Plant
6 years ago
PRIOS and a group of investors duly signed an MOU for the exclusive cooperation, foreseeing PRIOS to deliver an oil refinery topping plant to West Africa. While the investors have their business background in import and storage of Petroleum products, PRIOS will also support its customer's project ma...
Engineering for an Oil Refinery project
8 years ago
PRIOS provided engineering support and contributed to the project development of an oil refinery. The project passed the due diligence and pre-feasibility study phase, with a profitable economic result. PRIOS worked out a front-end project concept, including preliminary cost estimates. In the course...